steven bryan

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“I’m going slightly mad….” - Freddy Mercury

Twisting together, art and function

Bladesmithing is my passion. My work is a genuine endeavor to carve out an independent path in life. One of personal growth, striving to make things both beautiful and useful.

The folks who use my knives develop their own relationships rooted in an appreciation for both their appearance and practicality. A hand-forged knife, in this way, is a living piece of art that intersects with the realities of daily life... twisting together art and function.

I forge my blades, pattern weld my steel, and sculpt my handles. All pinched between a volcano and a beautiful lake at my home shop in Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala. I will begin offering in-person classes with accommodations at a local resort in 2023. Contact me to sign up for my email newsletter.


Steel Tumbleweed… Mars Hill, NC…